Tuesday 26 October 2010

My naked ear!

So I've been having this plug-pierce in my ear for a few years (I don't know what it's called in english), and have kinda wanted it gone for some time. See, it's from my oshare kei period, and it really doesn't go with my style anymore.
So this weekend, I took action!
Since it's narrow at the midle the ear has knd of grown "shut" on it XD This is all so disgusting when you have to put it into words.
So anyway, I stuck a toothpic in there every tme I remmbered (it's not like you can sleep with a toothpick stuck in your ear, right), and on Sunday, I finally popped it out, with some effort I might add.
Now don't that just look beautuful XD
Here's the purpetrator:
Yay, wrinkly shower fingers :D
See why it was so hard to get it out?
I still wuld love to have a plug though, if it's something that actually fits my syle. Most of all I would love to mage a rose-plug out of Fimo, but I tink it has toxins that you might no want that close to your skin. Smething in gold or pastel would also work, but the whole seems to be closing pretty fast, so maybe it'll just disappear before I find the perfect piece.


So, maybe it's time I tell you about he bad things that happened last week.
I know i doesn't sound like a big deal to most people, but you have to promise not to laugh at me.

The thing is, Yuusuke announced he's leaving 12012 after this tour...
All of a sudden he's just out. And as much as I love Yuusuke and can't really imagine the band without him, the worst part is actally that the band "can't yet decide" wether they want to keep going without him. In other words 12012, my favourite band in the whole wide world, might very possably be breaking up.
It's ike Kagerou all over again, only it might actually be worse... Partly because Kagerou always had this very negative vibe about verything they did, like the end was always ust around the bend and partly because I've had the chance to get even deeper into 12, with understanding more of the lyrics and getting to know the better.
Nevertheless I cried for two-three days when Kagerou broke up, and even more at the last concerts.

See, a favourite band like this is more than just cool music. And to put it in a ridiculously romantic way, it's like unconditional love. Kinda like a partner who will always be there to comfort you no matter if you deserve it or not. And I swear, they have a song that goes with EVERY emotion I can recall ever having! Not just sad, angry, happy, but the kind that you need a whole sentence to describe too. And that's just the music. With visual kei, there is always even more.

How can some bands become this important to us? I don't know if most people have a band or group that means this much to them, but I know some people who do, so it's not just me.
I don't really remember when or how I got this into it.
And I don't know if or how I'll ever find another band that can take that place in my heart...

Of course I'm hoping for the best, but I can't really bring myself to believe in it.
Luckily, my wonderful ex got it together to get me a ticket for the possably last 12012 live ever, the 12.th of December this year.

Thursday 21 October 2010

Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween

Yesterday I woke up with a fever again. I feel I'm getting sick a lot lately, but I guess it just feels that way because it sucks to spend a day off lying on the coutch. I wasn't even able to draw, and that is a lot of time wasted.
I did get myself out of the house though. With some idea that there was something I needed I headed for the town mall, all by my oncey.
I do need a new concealer, and I kinda need gloves and new pantsu, but I just couldn't bring myself to make a decicion about any of these things.
Heading for the exit I saw a store called Nille, which is kind of a bagain shop, and I remembered I really needed to do some Halloween shopping!
Yay! Halloween onions!
This all costed me 70 NOK (like 7.60 pounds?). I'm not going to spend a lot of money on Halloween costume, not this year anyway.
All I'm missing is dreads (which I can hopefully borrow), and a wooden club XD
And what am I gonna be?
A caveman! Well, cavewoman.
And since it's a J-fash Halloween party we are all supposed to be inspired by a j-fashion style. The only thing I could sort of fit my outfit into, except for gyaru (but of course, EVERYONE's doing gyaru) is ... cyber...
It's a style I've only (tentatively)done like once, and also it's based a lot upon bright colours, and my cavewoman outfit it all brown and beige, so it'll be a challange :p

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Ghost Walk

This week-end has been packed full of birthdays! Could be worse, right?
I decided to split up the blogging, because each birhday-girl deserves their own, right.
On Friday was my friend Jacks party.
This is the drawing for the card I made for her.

Since she's turning half a century she wanted to take the birthday party experience one step futher, and started up with a "ghost walk" in the streets of Oslo.
I was working until five, but called in some favours and got to leave early, so I was there just on time (to me that would mean "not that late"). And they all laughed at me because I was wearing hot pants... let me just mention that my tights were 80% wool!

We're not far enough into winter for it to really be dark at five yet, so the whole thing wasn't all that scary, but it was both entertaining and educational.
Amongst other things I learned that there was a real mass grave (I don't know what you call it in english? When you throw lots of people anonymously into one grave) right here in Oslo, from Napoleons time. And also, I learned that Oslo, back when it was called Christiania, was a safe shore for a group of pirates who had been given the right to plunder by some high and mighty dude. Just like Tortuga!

But most of the tour was, of course, inside Akershus Festning (the fortress of Oslo).
The old fortress is really a very beautiful place, and in summer we often gather here for picknics or barbeques. It is also perfect for romantic (and slightly dangerous) walks, and has an amazing wiev over the Oslo fjord (which, by the way isn't a real fjord, but part of the ocean XD).
But! As it is ancient, not to mention an old place of war, it is also widely known for being haunted.
Here we are on the bridge, leading in to the fortress.
And here's a guard, giving his phone number to some random guy XD
This is, believe it or not, the old entrence to the fortress. This tiny opening was the only way in!
I should have had a picture from the other side, because the door leads out into nothing now, and it looks kinda funny ^^
My friends, looking kinda nervous. I don't think they really were though, just curious.
And here's a picture of Norway by fall. It is really breathtakingly beautiful outside now. I wonder if the autumn always looked like this and I jsut never realized. Maybe my eyes have matured.
And here's the group, gathered in the place that is said to be the spot of the execution of Norways most famous traitor from World War II. The place have been kept secret for a very long time, because they didn't want nazis scum to make this into some kind of holy place. The tourleader had heard from an old man who came on the Ghost Walk once, and that man had actually served here during the war! I guess it's ok to say now though... maybe. I didn't mention it in my norwegian blog.

I always thought that the Fortress was the most haunted place in Oslo, but aparrently that's not true.
The end of the Ghost walk lead us to this hotel:
Grims Grenka, in case you ever want to go to Oslo and live in a haunted house XD
So many wierd things are said to have happened here, and the ghoswalk-dude, who was actually a real ghost enthusiast (I've heard him on the radio once) had done intervjues with old staff members and stuff. One person told him that this hotel had once changed the ENTIRE staff in one year, because nobody could stand working there!
He also told us about things that he had experienced in there, because earlier they had actually been allowed to take the Ghostwalk into the hotel!
I'm kinda bummed out and kinda happy that we couldn't go in anymore.

Even though it had been fun I think we were all happy when we could finally head for the restaurant, 'cause we were all very cold and very hungry.
On the way we saw this in a gallery. You can't really tell, but it's made out of the bags from cardboard wine XD If my mom ever gets married again I have to recomend this as her weddingdress XD She's like the goddess of red wine.
This is Ciliee, as always reluctant to having her picture taken XD

We were going to a restaurant called Lemongrass. When I've seen it from the outside I've always thought it was an expencive café, but it's a carrabean restaurant. I've never had carrabean food before, but since we were about fifteen people, Jack had sent us the meny the week before so we could order ahed.
First of all Cilliee and I got a lot of questions about our fancy drinks...
which were actually water. They let us keep the pre-order waterglasses, so we could feel more like grown-ups.
My dish was called Nut Chicken.
This picture was taken before I got my coconut milk. I'll forgive them for forgetting it, because it was obviously a very busy night, and all the girls around me also got the same dish. Except for Cilliee, who's got a very nasty allergy to nuts. She'd really picked the perfect place to sit XD
Also, out waitress was so sweet! And she apologized again and again for the slip up.
The food was delish! Only bad thing I could say about this restaurant is that they were very slow with the food. Even though we'd ordered ahed it took like an hour before we got our apetizers...

After a while we could skooch up the table to sit with Cat and Jack and Oda and Julie. And order dessert.
And Jack got her birfday-cake :D
This was my non-birfday cake^^
It's coconut sorbet with frozen chocolate, or Coco Choco. I even ate the cocktail berry, I've never eaten a cocktail berry before.
Coconut is so mai buumu.
Before we left I also had to get a picture of this:
Is that not the most amazing chandelear ever!?
The place was generally very my cup of tea. We even had big heavy princess chairs to sit in at the table^^

Thursday 14 October 2010

Black and white ball? I guess I didn't get the memo.

For a long time now I havn't had the time to do any art except my comic and the illustrations, but now that my boss has suddenly deciced that I'll only be working two and three days a week (it is my last month after all), I figured I'd indulge myself today.
It's like my inspirations dries up if I don't get to draw the things in my mind for a period of time. And I lose the energy I need to be able to finish something.
Today I made a collague! I can't remember the last time I did that! It was a lot of fun, but also quite time craving.
I found ONE newspaper on the floor in the kitchen, and I used it for what it was worth ^^
Turns out the sports section is in pink (I wouldn't know because I never read it, obviously), and that was just what I needed!

Since the last thing I scanned was a comic, the settings were on black and white when I turned it on, so completely randomly I discovered that this peace looks pretty cool in black and white.
I called it "Melk", which means milk in Norwegian, mostly 'cause I didn't have an idea for a title. Now I'm making birthday cards ^^

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Oh Billy Brown, you are a victim of the times

mixi: "You have 1 new message from..." the name seems completely Chinese to me, but it's someone who isn't yet on my friends list. So I check the profile, and more importantly, user pic...
My inner creepy uncle goes: "Well, hello there, little fellow, are you lost? hurrhurrhurr".
Time to read the message:

"Ingeruuuuuuu! You remember me?
It's Azusa from the keion-bu (music club) at JIU!"

Oh, of course it is XDXD
It has to be said, in my defence, that she's actually so androgynous in real life as well, that until I heard her voice I referred to her as "that" for months. No intended offence, but I just couldn't be sure wether "that" was a girl or a really small dude^^
Aparrently we've spoken, at the Club activity presentation last year. Can't have been a long conversation, 'cause I don't even remember, but she does! And she wants to be boddies! SHE just hasn't had the courage to approach ME until now...
Yes, please! Let's be buddies, you adorable little human. Maybe she has a brother XD

In other good news I got another mail from someone I couldn't quite place the other day. Sana, that I met at our concert at ZX, who's also a JIU student. And guess what! Out of the blue she just suggests that I can come stay at her messy little apartment while I'm in Japan!
I love messy little apartments and Sana! Hooray for her!
I should probably still try to move around a bit though, 'cause she has a room mate and maybe I can't be in her apartment when she's not there and the gass in the kitchen doesn't work... I guess it's a bit much for her if I stay for two months. But it's great to have something settled, what with only 3 weeks until I go ^^
Also, it seems Tomo will skip clean-up day at school to come meet me at the airport.

Monday 11 October 2010

The late revelation

So, this weekend I learned a few things. First of all, what my friends must feel like waiting for me to get my ass out of the house, and second, that there are people in this world who are even slower than me.
But it all started out like normal, with someone waiting for me. It wasn't 'cause I wasn't ready. I was fully dressed. Kinda looked like this:
(only this is my outfit from the day before, but it was more or less the same).
I had done my hair and my make-up and even vacuumed my room and painted my nails, when I suddenly got a call from Cat that they were already at the train station. Apparrently, Kimmie had sent me an sms, but it had gotten lost or something, because I didn't get it until afterwards.
So, they were waiting when I got there.
Cat was carrying an enormous backpack with laundry (she doesn't have to pay for a laundromat if she wsahes them at my place^^), but Kimmie hadn't brought enough underwear, so we had to take a trip to the town mall.
Ofcourse we were distracted from the original task XD
Cats conceiler... less than a perfect match for me. There's a point where we really don't match! Her skin is purple-ish, while mine is green-yellow XD
Good thing she likes purple!
We also quickly learned why men in my little city are so unfashionable. All the relatively fashionable budgett stores here (like H&M and Cubus) have cut the mens wear section O__o
We diod find some stores, slightly more exclusive ones, in the old part of the mall, and after going back and forth a bit, Kimmie found something he could wear and afford.
Ofcourse, by that time, we had all bought some things we weren't supposed to buy XD
I got this:
The fur-skarf thingy from H&M that I've been drooling on,
and some make-up. Gold and brown eye shadow, and a proper liquid eye liner (that's going to take some getting used to), oh and brown nail polish, to go with my pink.

After the mall we went to the recently opened grocery store on the other side of the station. It is said to be Norways biggest of the kind, so I was a little excited. Obviously I've been working in a grocery store too long, even though it's only a couple of months.
It was really big though!
This is romanesco. It looks a lot cooler than brocoly, but it is also more expencive, so it'll have to wait for a time when I'm not paying.
Here's Cat, explaining to Kimmie the shocking fact that I don't like pinapple.
The pinapple has an ezymyme that eats your tongue, did you know that? That's why your tongue gets numb from eating a lot of it.

Kimmie likes vine, so he got a Hariob kebab, and he started before dinner!
While waiting for our rice to cook we entertained our selves.
Seemed very harmless, until he tried to unzip and realized his hair was cought in the zipper XD
Then we found something else to play with.
This is actually a squash that my dad grew in our garden. It's so huge that we couldn't eat it all before it got dry!

We'd decided on bibimba for dinner. Kimmie deserves credit for taking us up on the offer of raw egg in his food the first time he's even been asked. It took me one and a half year on eating out in Japan before I gave in and tried!
It might have damaged his nerve of balance though, because he sure is clumsy! If you ever have him over, you should make sure you'll be doing all the cooking and serving yourself! Also, making and stirring of coacoa should not be left up to him XD
Cat was covered in Nesquick powder. We decided the vacuum cleaner would be the best way to get it off.
Cat didn't agree that was a super good idea, but I guess she changed her mind, considering how much she was laughing XD
Waffle-making is also strictly womens business from now on^^
Since it was the weekend we allowed ourselves to binge. It was waffles with ice cream and crunced up choko cookies and strawberries.

Kind of like crepes, only harder to eat XD
We ate so much we all got a little bit queezy.
Then the children napped while the grown-ups did the laundry.
I also made a movie, but I'm not sinister enough to post it. To sum it up we had to tickle his nose and toes and then hit him repeatedly with a pillow to meke him wake up long enough for us to pull out the guest bed.

The next day we staid in pajamas for far too long. I put on my Muhou chitai dvd (that's 12012), to watch hot swetty men, and we nerded on the internet and ate more ice cream and watched more visual kei dvd's. Lately I've really been taking the time to endulge in the music I love and it feels so good!
Also, feels great to hang out with people who still like visual kei, and not fucking k-pop ^^;

The plan was to meet up with Jack at Cats place, at around six, but we totally forgot to watch the time. Suddenly we were in a hurry, and that's when I learned that there is one person in the world twice as slow as me: Kimmie XD
I always get complaints that I'm slow or late, but this time, I was standing in the hall, with my purse and my shoes and jacket on, while he was just beginning to straighten his hair.

We did eventually get out of the house though. And we caught a train. No seats though.
These are my black-clad buddies. Finally I could be the cool kid and meet my emo friends at the station XD
Somehow they got me squeezed in her as well.
And speaking of squeezed, here's a very flat bun that Kimmie insisted on eating. He was half kidding, saying how he couldn't quite remember when he'd baiught it. I'm not sure wether to take that seriously or not^^

Finally in Oslo, we found out that the cell phone net was down. We couldn't get a hold of Jack. We tried again and again, but eventually we had to wave goodbye to Kimmie at the Central Station and head for Cats apartment in the Student Village.
I wanted to dress oshare, and I also wanted to use my new furry friend...
I looked like a gyaruo O__Olol
Eventually though, we did catch a lucky break and got in contact with Jack, and so she and her mother came over. Jack is going to live with Cat for a few weeks while the bathroom in her apartment is renovated.
We had some fishsticks and tea and watched Supernatural. I had a dream about Sam and Dean last night XD

This morning I was shoved out of bed way too early for a day off. I was out the door and on the train home before I would have usually even gotten out of bed at home!
Inspired by the frisky weather I stopped by the biggest Rema-store in the world again, on my way home, and bought this:
it's aPierre Robert undershirt, and it cost almost 300 kr.! Wich is roughly like 11,50 in GBP... that's a lot for an undershirt, but if this can keep me warm and fashionable this winter it is totally worth it! I've gotten warm recomendations from my friend, Oda, who is a very reliable source in my opinion.

Coming home I was met by this...
I hadn't had the time to clean my room before we went the day before... Luckily the only real effort was folding the guest bed back into a sofa, and the reast was easy peasy! Within an hour my room was cozy again, and I had hot brunch and a cup of tea ready to enjoy.
I'm considering wether or not to go to my Comic circle today. I'm kind of worn out and... it's really cold outside... we'll see.