Wednesday 29 June 2011

Going going more one step!

I've had a super fun week!

Because our friend Fran came from England, we all stayed at Cat and Jacks place. In the weekend we had stalls at the big nerd convention in Oslo, and during the week we've been drawing, having a barbeque, baked cake, been drunk and shopped.
I'll write some more about it later (I promise!) and post some pictures, but having fun wears you out and I'm tired now. Also, I have to pack up my shit, 'cause I'm still at Cats place, and it's like ten in the evening.
It doesn't get dark in Norway, but I should be getting home soon.

But! I will post the artsies I've been doing today and yesterday!
Fran helped me out with Photoshop, and also got me an updated version, and I feel like I'm finally making progress!
 I used some pictures I already had scannet in my computer.
The top one is a doll I made a mascot fom Frans stall, Pincandy. 
This one....
... I did today, and it's a little bit more advanced.
It's an early take on Kagerou, the main character of "The Garden Underground", which is the comic I'm planning to concentrate on when Like Totally is finished. Actually I'm already concentrating a lot on it.
I did make two versions of the drawing, one with the title in English as well, but then I didn't pay attentiopn while saving and I deleted it :p But who cares, right?

I get so impatient at the end of a digital drawing, I feel like I'm gonna explode! Everything takes so long!
But I'm finally really happy with the result. I know it's not anywhere near brilliant, but at least I feel that I can now do the things I initially wanted to use Photoshop for, which is things like simple dolls and character presentations.