Thursday 4 August 2011

Guilty pleasures

So, only like three weeks left until we leave for Japan.
I can't wait to get out of this cigarette stinking house! Allthough Japan has cigarette stinking bars and live halls and I'll be very short of money :p
But before we go there's so much I have to do!
Not to mention the preperations for the trip itself, I have to finish Like Totally Teenage Lovers (there are about 16 pages left to draw, and I can't find my blue sharp pen), and I have to finish at least two more of the books I'm illustrating for.
The thing is, my writer doesn't actually know I'm going to Japan...
I've promised I'll finish the books by Christmas, and I'll do my best. If I manage to pull myself together it probably won't be a problem, it's just that it's ... kind of a boring job.
Also, considering I didn't do ANY work the last time I was in Japan I can imagine she won't be very pleased finding out I'm going again. So I feel I kind of have to show her something when I tell her...

I also have to finish sketches for several short comics, and I have a comission, but that one's not so urgent, luckily.
With all this I should have no time to play around, and still I managed to have a trip into rural Norway, AND get dangerously drunk this weekend (Let's talk about that in a different post. The country trip, not the drunkness), and I had time to make this:
It's So, one of the vocalists from Las Vegas, which I listen to far too much these days!
Now before you ask about the unicorn, I don't have a good explenation. Partly, the band, and especially So, and their music somehow makes me think of that game that everyone were so obsessed with, Robot Unicorn Attack. 
Anyway, this is done in water colours, on this paper that I found on sale in a shop. I really like this paper, it dries quick but not too quick, and it's not so rough you can see it on the scan. This scan is hardly edited at all!
And it's a very nice size, I can't paint water colours on a big sheet.

As if that wasn't enough, I've been doing a little side project these last two days. Figured I had to practice my Photoshop skills again.
I actually quite like it, all though I can't shake the feeling there is still soooo much to learn. And I get bored after a while and get lazy. I mean it takes so long to draw like this!
I bet one day I will look back at this one and laugh at my sorry skills in digital art, but for now, I'm actually really happy with it. Especially the kagerou.
Could do with a frame, maybe?

Here's the original:
I drew this in ink and scanned it, just like with comics and stuff. Maybe I'll hand colour the original some time too, but NOT NOW!! XD
There's no time!!