Tuesday 26 October 2010

My naked ear!

So I've been having this plug-pierce in my ear for a few years (I don't know what it's called in english), and have kinda wanted it gone for some time. See, it's from my oshare kei period, and it really doesn't go with my style anymore.
So this weekend, I took action!
Since it's narrow at the midle the ear has knd of grown "shut" on it XD This is all so disgusting when you have to put it into words.
So anyway, I stuck a toothpic in there every tme I remmbered (it's not like you can sleep with a toothpick stuck in your ear, right), and on Sunday, I finally popped it out, with some effort I might add.
Now don't that just look beautuful XD
Here's the purpetrator:
Yay, wrinkly shower fingers :D
See why it was so hard to get it out?
I still wuld love to have a plug though, if it's something that actually fits my syle. Most of all I would love to mage a rose-plug out of Fimo, but I tink it has toxins that you might no want that close to your skin. Smething in gold or pastel would also work, but the whole seems to be closing pretty fast, so maybe it'll just disappear before I find the perfect piece.


  1. It's plug too in English :)
    Hey, and about your other post, that sucks so bad about 12012.:( At least the love of my life is Kozi and he can't break up with himself! :-$ lol

  2. Yeah, it sucks. But at least I get to see them one last time.
    Haha, yeah Kozi XD He can't break up with himself, but he sure cheats on himself with various other musicians XD
