Thursday 17 February 2011

Like Totally Teenage lovers page 3-4

Time for the next two pages of "Like Totally Teenage lovers"!
You might notice that the font have changed, that's just 'cause I kinda can't remember what font I used the last time, and I can't find it :p
If you happen to know the name of that font, please tell me. Also, feel free to tell me what you think of this one. I wanted one that's kind og freehand-ish, but also easy to read. Is this too "fancy"?

Yes, ehmm. I do hate it when I read a magazine and the machine text is just pasted on top of something. I'm talking about the panel where he reads the phone mail. Originally, ofcourse, it was written in angle with the phone screen, in Norwegian, but since I am now just editing on the computer and I'm too lazy and low tech to really learn how to do the angle-writing thing f^^; Hope you forgive me, and please notice how I have bothered to make the letters two size bigger for each line. See? I care!
Also, the * indicates the untranslated bit in the last panel. As I went about writing this in Norwegian, I aim at an audience who doesn't nesescarily inderstand Japanese, so everything of importance (like the language settings on his phone) I do in Norwegian. I can't stand when people just assume that the audience knows Japanese or French for that matter.
Anyway, I didn't want to go in and fidget with something that's so much part of the artwork, so I made a little shortcut.
Again, hope you enjoyed this, and feel free to look up the earlier pages by looking up the tag #likttly
More to come next week!

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