Sunday 6 February 2011

Catching sun fish under the moonlight

Here's a drawing I finished last week.
It's called "Midnight Fishing" in Norwegian. Made with pencil and colour pecils. One of my favourite techiques, as I'm sure you've notisced ^^

I decided to make this after having a little feministic discussion with some friends.
In Norway it's not so normal that a guy opens the door or pulls out the chair for a girl, and most girls in Norway (is my impression, anyway) wouldn't really like tham to. It makes them feel "disempowered".
Since I went to Japan however, I discovered I quite like being treated like a lady, and I don't really feel that men open the door for me because they think I'm too weak to do it myself or something. I have to admit that I like it that way.
But some of my friends don't agree, and I think that's ok too.
Bottom line is that I realize I draw a lot of fancy ladies, who do very girly things.
Partly that is because I think feminism should also be about being allowed to do "girly" things, without being called weak (as in not only about girls being allowed to do "boyish" things), but mostly because I think it's elegant and pretty.
So I thought I'd make a princess doing something more hands-on, still looking elegant.
I'm very happy with it, and it will be for sale at my exhibition in May :D


  1. Woah, love it!

    And I like being treated like a princess, not because I'm a woman but because I'm ME... lol.;-) Although most of the time I'm not very feminine. I think I should have been a man in the 1950s... I'd be happy coming home to my pipe, warm slippers and dinner haha.

  2. "Partly that is because I think feminism should also be about being allowed to do "girly" things, without being called weak"

    good point! No one ever screams out about that.
    It's always about having to be allowed to be tough and strong.. Why can't we be girly?
    (Not that I really am, anyways.. but that has its reasons..)

  3. Kimi: Well said, that's kind of what I feel too.
    Haha, and I think you'd look good in a 50's suit with a pipe XD

    Ciliee: Deshou! I think about this alot. Isn't feminism about being allowed to be what you are? No matter what you like.
