Saturday 29 January 2011


So, last days in Japan. The final day we actually did anyhting worth mentioning was the 16.?17.? Don't remember the date correctly, but Cat and I were going to a rowthe live.
I'm wearing black, I know. Really wasn't myself the last few days, and I'd found this adorable HellcatPunks cardigan at Closet Child.
Jun, the drummer of rowthe, had been sweet enough to put us on the list, so we would get our tickets at preordered price. Which was good, seeing as we were so slow at getting our asses out the door, we bloody nearly missed their show O__O
We also had to drink before going, so Cat would have the courage to speak japanese. It's incredable how she gets better when she drinks, I'm the exact opposite XD
She'd bought something called Bee Happy, from the local Ministop, it's actually honey and ginger-spirits, and it was really tasty... to beging with. Kinda got worse and worse with every sip...

And no, I don't think we're drunk here. I wasn't drunk, maybe she was, I don't think so. Anyway, we had to go to Meguro/Ebisu, two places to which I have never been. We even got on the Metro, which which we never use, and considering we also didn't know where the live house was at, it was quite an achievement that we actually got there in time.
Even after entering the live house we had no idea where to go. Turns out it was down down down down, like four or five flights of stairs, deep into the earth. Ironically I actually had cell phone reception, and I never do at your normal basement 1.floor live house^^

The place was huge, not crowded at all. We could stand almost wherever we wanted.
And the live was fabulous!
We really fell for rowthe after the last live we saw with them (the one with Roach and Chemical Pictures) so we had been really looking forward to seeing them again.
The music is so... tight? that it seems like a wall of sound, but it doesn't close you out, it kinda closes around you, so I guess it's more like a bubble... I know, brilliant explenation, you know JUST what they sound like now XD
Here's their home page:
It's wierd though, seeing people you kind of know playing out their stage personas^^; I don't know where to look. But then with rowthe you can always look at Non-chan(bassist), cause she has her back to the audience XD
At first we didn't think Twuma (vocals) was gonna be there, 'cause they started out with like four instrumentals, and we'd seen on his blog that he'd been to the hospital the last week. But luckily he was there, the music is never quite the same without that beautiful haunting voice of his.
Here's Cat(I love how Sadako she looks XD) and I at am/pm, getting something to eat and heating up while waiting for the band afterwards. It was party time :D

It was nice to talk to Non-chan again, she wasn't at the last party^^ Nice to see a girl in a band for once. Some of the Roach fangirls were there as well, so we weren't alone.
Twuma had seemed in pretty good shape on stage, considering the photos he shwoed us on his cell phone. He had had to crack open a collar bone that had healed crooked, and put metal spikes in it. He had this huge sergical cut on his shoulder, it looked really brutal. But he was still up for a party.

Just then I got a mail from Nuts, and suddenly I wasn't so much in a party mood anymore. Well, that's what I told him anyway, and so he invited me over.
Was kind of sad not to be able to go to rowthes uchiage, and felt bad about leaving Cat there, but she was completely fine. Non-chan took good care of her,a nd the other band members too. And there were even a few 'celibrities' there:p

Nuts made me tea and we kind of watched the EVA movie, and kind of not. I've always liked this song, but now it's kind of special...

And then we talked. A lot. And I guess I cried a little too much, but it doesn't seem like I scared him. Though I can't have made much sense to him, crying and trying to speak japanese at the same time. But I think he knows now, if he didn't already.

I got a mail at the airport, saying he was sorry he couldn't see us off, but he couldn't get off work. I choose to believe he actually wanted too, 'cause I'm actually pretty sure he's the kind of guy who wouldn't just make that up.
I'm so scared of losing contact while I'm away. We're sending mail and all, but he's slow as ever. I just want to go back and see him as soon as I can, but right now it's impossible and stupid to to go just for his sake.
Wow, hearing that song again really fucked me up.
Cheer up, you're going to a christmas party today! That's right, it's Christmas!

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