Thursday 13 January 2011

It's just a little crush, not like I...

We held our last concert (only until next time I come back to Japan) the other day.
I still had that nasty cold I cought BEFORE going to Osaka. I think the house we lived in wasn't a very healthy one, because everyone there had some kind of cough.
We only had time for one practice day before the show (since I had been so selfish to use some of my hard earned money and holyday to go to Osaka), so Tomo had put us up for five hours... which is way too much, especially if you're not in very good shape.
So before the last hour my body just gave in, not to mention my voice who I really should be saving for the following day.
It was a hard day, but I did get my birthday present form the band...

A star shaped tamburine! Just the one I wanted :D
I don't know much about playing the tamburine yet, but there is a right way to do it, and I'm going to check it out on Youtube!
I also kind of want a case for it. Do they even sell tamburine cases... starshaped ones...?
Finally I can carry an instrument after practice too, like everyone else!

The following day was a live, and my voice was in no state for singing...

Here's me, dressed (or not dressed) for the rehersal.
I had ginger in hot water (which is something my mom used to make me when I had a sore throut back in the days of my high school band) and also had chocolate, which somehow helped^^
My mood was really good, I really looked forward to the show, and it turned out great, allthough I'm sure I fell terribly out of key on our newest song, "Keep in mind", which is kind of high. My voice could not go there that day. But the crowd was awsome, even though hardly any of our friends could come that day.

Here's a group that we met again, that we've played with once before. The dude on the left, and the girl, named Si-non(shinon). They play kind of animesong-ish j-pop, which is not my thing, but they're good at what they do, and also they're cool people, so it was fun seeing them again.
Also, my friend Naoki, the blond dude beside me, and the only guy I had managed to drag to the show that day, was REALLY happy to see them (wel, her XD) again.

After the show we had an uchiage (afterparty), just the band and Cat. Most of us were really tired, but we did manage to get down quite a few drinks and a mountain of chicken and edamame. I also have an hillarious video of Tomo talking about his jacket, because the guys decided to play "nihongo kinchi game" (japanese is forbidden game).

Mario, demonstrating just how hard his hair is. He uses sentaku nori (washing machine glue??) to spike it. It sounds dangerous, and I'm sure it is.
It was a fun night, even though out support drummer, Hayato-kun (who has got to be the nicest guy in the world!), couldn't come. I've been feeling really close with the band lately, though I'm not sure how it's all going to turn out, eventually.

Speaking of something entirely different (I'm sorry, toooo lazy to make two posts), I finally got my date with this guy I actually really like. You know, Natsu, who I met just before going to Osaka.
Here's what I wore...

I kind of thought I'd hold back on the pink, because he's a rocker boy, and I'm not sure he's into the whole princess thing but... I'm sure you can agree that I failed on that one.
And I had also bought this purse, because I've noticed how my shoulders always get sore and tired, and then I get annoyed.

So I've bought a shopping/date bag, and it's so much more comfortable.

We originally had the date plan of doom, which was to go to see the manbou(sun fish) at the actuarium in Sunshine City (I've been wanting to see that fish forever!) and then go to Tokyo Tower, to which I have never been.
Unfortunately the aquarium was closed for some reason (kanji-kanji, I can't always read what he writes XD), so we changed the location to Roppongi Hills.
Ofcourse I was a little bit late, which I totally wasn't planning to be, but I'm not really familiar with the Tokyo Metro :(
He said he didn't mind though. And I was so happy when we met, because he really is as cute as I remembered (but he's not a stud at all, which I also really like). And he's really skinny (I've been complaining to Cat all the time we were in Osaka, that he'd probably grown a beer belly during new years XD). I'm into skinny guys, ok?

Anyway, none of us were familiar with Roppongi Hills, and we had to wander around for a long time just to find a place to eat lunch.

This is a thousand yen cheezeburger... it was pretty tall though, and I got a ton of fries and a roll cake on the side. I was supposed to stop eating fries... but he helped me :) And he also ate my pickle :D:D:D
Yes, I am that happy about that.

Afterwards we went to see the view on the observation deck.

I actually saw Fujisan(Mt.Fuji) for the first time in my life. Though it was impossible to take a picture... and we wrote down out New Years wishes and stuff.
The ticket to the observation deck also got us into a crazy art exhibition with an artist called Odani. I really liked it, though it was very dark business. And the best part is that he liked it too! He wasn't bored or bumbed out going to an art exhibition!
He was really tired afterwards though, from all the strong impressions, he said. I kind of feel he's a person who breaks really easily, he seems frail.
Not only 'cause he's so skinny, but he also has this kind of haunted expression on his face most of the time. He'd had a strange pain in his side since the day we met(two weeks earlier, and he hadn't been to the doctor) and he smokes XD
Anyway, we also got to enter a kind of planetarium. Not the kind where you go to make out, unfortunately, but it was really beautiful. And dark! I should have taken my chance and grabbed his hand, not to walk into him, but I'm a coward...(T_T)

After the hills we went to Tokyo Tower, as planned.

It was really pretty in the dark! And kind of romantic, just there was a lot of people around... I mean, it's Tokyo Tower!

And Tokyo is so pretty in the night! Looks just like christmas illumination!

This is the only picture I have of us together :p I kind of had to force him, You can't see it in the picture, but underneath the glass is a fall into certain death!
For some reason it seemed men had a much bigger problem stepping on this than women, allthough I did have to force myself the first times too.

After that we kind of went upa nd down the elevator and back and forth a bit, to check out everything there was to check out at Tokyo Tower. We didn't go to the was museum or anything though, I've heard it sucks. Also, it cost money, and I'd felt like such a creep for having him pay for the expencive meal and ticket at Roppongi Hills, so I had bought my own ticket at the Tower.

So finally we were downstairs and wondering where to go next. He'd been asking me all day "what to do about the morning", so I kind of had high hopes for the night, but suddenly he said he was sorry, but he had to go home and rest. He was feeling sick!
wtf. I totally felt I was being dumped by the only guy I've really cared about since I came here this time, but it really looked like he was serious.
I guess making my date sick is actually better than being dumped though :p But what an anti climax.

Luckily, I got to see him again the other day. I was to come over to his place when he finished work (like 12 in the night, he works at a recording studio) and have private drinking party at his apartment.
We were to meet at 00:30, but he got held back at work (by mucc, apparently, so I can't complain^^). Fortunately there's a McDonalds near where he lives, so I could wait for him there.
His apartment was a littlebit chilly, like most japanese apartments are in winter, but it had like five guitars and a computer with big speakers. He also gave me a blanket, placed me in front of the heater and made me something to eat.
I had so much fun, and he really is alot more outgoing when he gets drunk.

Might have had a bit too much fun, but if nothing had happened I think I would have exploded, or cried my self to sleep besdie him. Maybe just cried until he noticed to make him comfort me, this is what I've become XD
I did talk to him about some stuff though, partly 'cause Mina had warned me about how some(most) japanese guys think, and partly because I already had that impression myself, from experience. But I'm pretty sure he's not like that. He's not a gyaruo, and he's actually older than me, and seems alittle bit more serious. I'm not sure how serious though, and there's only one week left...
I'm going to go back to Norway with a achy heart either way.
We're still sending mail, maybe even more than before, and hopefully we can meet again one of the following days. Cat and I also moved to Tokyo yesterday, so I'm only half an hour away from him by train now.

But that's right! Yesterday we gathered our extremely heavy bags and headed for the City.
After a very tireing trip with huge luggage and a problem with a taxi driver, we finally got to our hostel. It seems very nice, though it's way too cold!

After arriving we went to a yakiniku place. We'd been wanting to eat yakiniku for so long.
The food was very nice, though it was kind of expensive and the played shit korean music. More than anythink it was nice and warm in there.

I'm not sure we'll be able to eat anything but Sukiya and McDonalds from now on.
And maybe we have to do all our shopping and camwhoring at Ministop XD

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