Tuesday 25 January 2011

MUCC live in France

Friday Cat and I got up at four in the morning and walked all the way from her apartment to the buss terminal in Oslo. It's more than an hours walk. In the cold Norwegian night. We weren't alone though, because it was Friday night the streets were filled with drunk people on their way home. We even saw a dude singing loudly all by himself XD

Here we are, finally on the Rygge airport express bus, having a hot bun for breakfast. Wel, second breakfast.
Why all of this?
Because of these boys:

Ok, they're not boys anymore, they're hot old men, but they still rock like never before.
MUCC are doing a Europe tour now, and we had picked Paris to go see them.
We had also picked the cheapest possible way to travel...

We were waiting for our companions, Kimmy and Miriam, at the airport. Even though it was early I couldn't fall asleep on the table.

A sign at the toilet in the airport, this made me laugh. It also, randomly, makes me wonder how many people actually throw their tampons IN the toilet. I mean, they taught us this at school!
I remember at hight school, somebody wrapped their tampons in toilet paper and dropped them on the floor behind the toilet! I mean that's disgusting, and when you're that old, it's not emberassing to throw a tampon in the bin IN the ladies room XD
Anyway, I ramble... here's something else that's kind of disgusting.

Better than Yellow Label, but it's still Lipton. I promise myself my standard of living will improve!

Not much to say about the plane ride over, except that we still, for some reason (probably Kimmy talking like a radio), couldn't sleep.

A flower vending machine, that's got to be really french, right?

Travelig the cheapest way means you end up in the airport farthest away from Paris, so we took a bus into the city.

Yes, it was a very romantic bus.
So much we decided to put aech others underwear on our heads.

Actually it's some kind of neck warmer that Kimmy brought, this is one of the tricks it could do. It really did look like a pair of stretchy boxers though, until you looked closely.

Isn't Paris romantic on a rainy day?

At a place called LaFayette (like in True Blood!) we got our euros...

Have you ever though of how awkward it can be for a tall person to use an ATM? XDXD

Then we got on the subway to go to our hostel.

We were staying at a place called Woodstock. It was a very charming place, with friendly and helpful staff, and a cuddly cat! Forgot to take pictures of it though :(
The beds were confy too, though the room smelled like a bottle of nail polish remover, and it was so noisy!
If we were the kind who can't sleep with the sound of people partying all around us we'd be even more sleep deprived, but we were all so tired we collapsed at five and slept until two in the morning, when Cats alarm was set.
Time to go to the concert hall.
We already knew there were some peole waiting there, and when we came they seemed very friendly. They were determinded to make the whole queing thing as fair and stressless as possible, and they wrote everybodys names down on a list, and we all agreed to tell people who came where the end of the line was.

It all seemed fine until later in the day peole started arriving who apparrently were on this list, but hadn't been there in all the time since we'd arrived in the night.
I even tried talking to this one guy, and when he just said he was "with her", one of the girls we'd talked to I called her out on it and asked if they had just been lying to us with all that holy bullshit, and all she had to say was that his name was on the list before ours.
I can't say I have much of a better impression of France or Frenchemen than I did after the Kagerou concert some years ago. Anyway, that was the last thing we needed to decide we didn't have to show these people any respect and when the doors were opened we squeezed past most of them and all got a spot in the first row (except for Kimmy, who left his spot to find another one, which ofcourse made him end up with nothing. It's his first concert, but he's very tall, so he was allright).
I got to stand right in front of Yukke, which was where I wanted to be, and Cat got to be in front of Tatsurou.
There was a girl in a wheelchair in the first row, but the guards decided she got to sit on the inside of the fence. I'm really happy that they make it possible for everyone to go to a live, and I'm really happy they had a better solution for her. The pit just isn't a place for a wheelchair, people would have ended up being pushed and tripped over her.

The show was excellent! The band was so alive, and they all had a little section of trying to speak frenche. I don't know frenche at all, so I don't know how good they were, but luckily they talked english too. Well, Tatsurou did.
They mostly played songs off of Karma, which meant a lot of dance grooves and boy did I dance! On this point it's so fantastic to be out of Japan! I didn't have to care about anyone else.
Some of the songs I don't know so well yet, but I'll still say most of them are actually better live. I started crying really hard on this song called "hane", 'cause it really made me think of my feelings for Nuts, and how far away away he is and everything. But then they unexpectedly played Saishuu Ressha and it made me so incredably happy!

The thing with MUCC is that they have so many great songs that no matter what they play you will always end up missing a lot of songs. But that's just how it is.
After the final song the most incredable thing happened! Satochi was throwing out the drum...skins? (what's that called in english?XD).
I never catch ANYTHING. In my entire life I've only caught ONE pick (and I once stole a set list XD), but the last drumskin flew right at me. I grabbed it, but I only had one hand and saw all the grabby fingers reaching out everywhere, so I kind of threw myself in the direction of Cat. When she grabbed it I didn't know it was her, so we were fighting for a little while until we looked at aech other and just sandwiched the thing in between us. It must have looked really comical to the people around us XD

Yay, here it is! Singed by everyone!
Cat is the one taking it home, there's no fighting over that. It definitely means the most to her and I don'y have a place for it anyway, but I still feel like i caught something^^

When I got home I'd finally gotten a mail from Nuts. I'd found out I'd forgotten something in his adress, and had sent him a new mail while I was in France. It made me feel really good for a while. Wish he was more of a mail person.

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