Wednesday 2 March 2011

In search of the local Erotic Boutique

So yes, long time since I posted anything except the comic, I know.
Last week, my friend Kimmie came to visit, and we had an unhealthy few days, staying in most of the time and eating sweets, which I usually try not to eat during the week.
Waffles by my dad. They're awsome, especially on a cold winters night.
The one day we did go out, we were actually only going to the big supermarked in town, but then Kimmie insisted he's find the local sex shop, 'cause he wants to buy some japanese rope-nonsense, which is apparently "an art" Not just bondage". Whatever.
Last week kind of reminded me of how strange Norwegians often think the Japanese are. I mean, Japan IS strange. It still is to me too, but not in the way that we're led to believe over here.
Anyway, I'd never seen a sex shop in our town, and we couldn't find it either. Kimmie even went in to a hair salon and asked directions XD I hid outside, the whole thing reminded me of an episode from Osaka this Christmas, but I don't think you guys want to hear about that :p
Seems there was no sex shop (I'm sorry, erotic boutique) in town after all, but we'd walked all the way up to the theatre, so Kimmie offered topay for a movie ticket (I am really broke), and we ended up seeing the Grit.
I'd seen it reviewed on TV a few days earlier, and it seemes cool. And it was! I'm actually not a fan of the Cohens, some of their movies just don't take it all the way to the hype, but I really liked this one! Except the ending maybe, which was a bit of an anticlimax, but I'm not going to say more about it, 'cause I think everyone should go see it!
Kimmie, from when we hung out at the supermarked, waiting for the movie to start. His face looks so sreious here, but he's really not that kind of guy XD
I'm sure it's old news, but I had no idea you could buy Duff beer now f^^;
On our way home we encountered an ice sculpture of sorts... Yes.

And then there was the home made banana split, no wonder my trousers feel tighter this week O__O
Anyway, it was really nice having someone to talk to and not be alone and isolated in my office all the time. We saw almost everything I have of animé, some of it I havn't watched for years! Not EVA though, it still makes me miss Nuts. And most of my other movies as well.
The thing about my friend here though, is that he's like a 14 year old in his head. I'm not joking, and I'm not exagerating either. I'm just fascinated (and sometimes annoyed) at how he can ... NOT KNOW all the things he doesn't know, and how he's very unreflected on a lot of things that comes completely natural to most other people I know. Makes me realize how much I actually got out of high school!

Well, I did get a lot of comicing done, and I also made this:
It's a drawing I've been thinking about for a while, and I'm quite happy with how it turned out.
I now only have eight drawings left before I've finished my quota for the exhibit in May :D

This week I borrowed my dads debit card (no, seriously, he just lent it to me) and went into Oslo. This is how poor I am, look:
I've had to mend my tights in several places. Ok, both knees, 'cause I fell down those stairs at the train station in Osaka XD
I didn't go to crazy with the card, 'cause I know my dad will give me money for any reasonable needs I have, if I can just make myself ask, but I did treat myself to food, and some money for saving and a 7-day travel pass, so this week I'll be moving around!
This is what our house looks like right now. The wether is crazy! Hot-cold-hot-cold. The snow is coming down the roof every time, it's a miracle it hasn't come down on anybodys head yet!
Even if everything outside is covered in white though, I think this weather kinda gives a tingle of spring. I mean, very soon everything's going to be sloshy and discusting, and after that we'll actually be able to see the sphalt again!
I really can't wait for spring ^^

On another note, I tried to dye my hair brown the other day. How hard can it be right?
I don't know if it's because my hair is so fucked up(it really is!) or because the dye was so old (it really was!) or maybe it's just because I've got tons of bad karma (seriously, tons!), but it kinda turned... red... or orange...
I havn't been this colours since I was a little mall goth, hanging out at the manga store and trading Pokemon cards XD I don't hate red hair though, but I don't think it's for me. It doesn't go well with pink and just generally doesn't suit my style. I guess it's fitting then, that I'm in this huge identity crisis right now.
Yesterdays outfit (the one in the picture with that gourgious smile on my face ^^;) was supposed to be oshare kei, but I soon realized I looked more like a circus gyaruo XD


Love and peace out, I've got a traveling pass to make use of XD

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