Sunday 24 July 2011


I guess it's kind of obvious what I'm going to write about today, being Norwegian and all.
I decided I wouldn't think about this today, not until my dad turns the TV on anyway. But then this morning I got a comment on my Facebook stat that kind of tipped over the tower of sand that I'd built todays good mood on.

The fact is, I didn't have any friends who were killed or even injured. I had some who were at work or coming home from work that felt the explotion, and one friend who was on his way bringing a bachelir party for his friend, that they were planning to have at a strip club that was aparrently completely destroyed. Luckily this happened before they opened.

But on the other hand, I can't beleive it even myself how close we all suddenly feel as a people. The attack feels very personal, and the people who died all felt close all of a sudden.
I love my country, but I'm not a person with very strong patriotic feelings of any kind. I've been thinking that maybe it's because the attack was on a socialist movement (and I've been brought up in a socialist home, so until I was like 14 I didn't even think that right-wing people existed in real life, I thought they were movie villians. If this makes you think I'm a commi or a terrorist or whatever idk, you better not be reading my blog :p I don't follow any spesific political views, but my thinking is always to the left). But the think is, I don't think that's it. I don't think of this as an attack on any political movement (even though that's what the criminal seems to do), it was an attack on kids.
When I was that age I was a punk rocker and did alot of stupid stuff for causes I would think through a lot more carefully now. If you have beef with a political movement, take it up with them you know...
In the end, all I feel is that this is an attack on my people, and on my city (I don't live in Oslo, but that's where I hang out, that's where I belong), and I think that's what everybody else feels as well.
I don't think this dude could ever be a hero to anyone, and I don't think he can gain any allies by slaughtering kids! But then again, maybe that's my beleif again that nazis and right-wing extremists are not for real?

Wow, I wasn't going to talk about it and look how much I wrote!
The case is, I don't want to see the pictures of this. I can understand that people want to see what's going on, and in the case of the bombing I think that people should (even though I try not to myself, just like I couldn't watch the pictures from Japan, seeing somewhere you know smashed up like this is just too much for me). But I don't think that showing pictures of dead people in the streets or floating around in the water is ok. At least blur them out you know, and the reason for this is respect.
I know I wouldn't want my picture there for anyone to see if I had been killed, and I wouldn't want to see someone I know in a shot like that before hearing that they were dead. Futher, I wouldn't like any children to see it.
The comment I got today is "this is reallity, you have to face it", but in fact it's very real to me just hearing about it.
There have also been numerous interviews with kids who have gotten off the island, and I do think these are very omportant stories to tell. We all need to know what happened, and we all want to help them take the pain, somehow. But they started doing these interviews the same day! They were talking to this boy who was messaging with his girlfriend who was on the island, even before the shooter was caught!
They have been visiting hospitals...
I guess to anyone living out in the big world this doesn't seem like a big deal, I guess I always thought that Norwegian press had a little more decency, but I guess that's just 'casue we've never had a case like this before.
And so listening to this over and over and over again, since the TV was on the whole day yesterday and even though I don't watch it I can constantly hear it, I got fed up and vented on Facebook, like you do, and this morning woke up to a pissed comment that I should turn the fucking TV off then and that this is reallity and you have to face it and move on, and not draw childish pictures of murderers and that some of the things I said really provoked her.
Yes, one of my vents was to doodle on the face of the murderer. I know it's childish, and I wrote that it is childish and I just needed venting. I'm on board with being critisized about that, and I'm on board with people not agreeing with what I think. I guess I just didn't expect it from the person it came from, because it's someone I've always gotten along with and laughed with. Also, I write a lot of shit on my Facebook that sometimes sounds really harsh, way harsher than this. You could say I expected negative reactions to my face-doodle 'cause I knew it was a stupid thing to do, but not to a plea that the press stopped talking about and showing pictures of bodybags.

And yeah, complaining about a Facebook-comment on my blog? Childish huh? I mean ONE comment. The next time we meet we'll probably laugh and be chummy, I hope, but right now I just need to try and get this, and abviously a lot of other things, off my chest. No names or hints. Don't even really need anyone to reads this. Just sometimes I've very sensitive, and right now.. yeah. I want to try and have a normal day today.

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