Friday 8 April 2011

Artsy fartsy news!

As usual, sorry for not updating more, but I can assure you that not much is going on these days. I think I'm generally less happy than I've been in years, but let's not dwell on that! Let's go to the news, because they're the good kind!

First of all, I got a mail from the Kemi-people (that's the all Scandinavian comic contest I entered a while back), saying that I got place!
I didn't even know they had a XD But I'm really happy!
It doesn, unfortunately mean, that I won't be able to post "Skinnene Synger" (The Tracks are singing ?:P) for you here, which is really a shame, 'cause it's probobly one of the best comics I ever have and ever will make, at least theme-and story vice.

But! it does mean that it will be printed in something called the Kemi competition anthology, and also I will receive some tax free mooneys (゜▽、゜)
Maybe it'll be translated into english, I don't know. One of the criteria was that the series be in a Nordig language, but the price ceremony or whatever is in Finland.
Too bad it would cost me most of my prize money to go, I've never been to Finland before.

Second, this:

No news really, just a drawing I finished yeasterday that I was quite happy with. Since it's kind of small for my exhibition in May (A4), I think I'll bring it to Desu-con (anime convention) this year, if we do realize our plans of having a stand there this year. We meaning Cat and I.

Third, this:
Also just a drawing I finished that I wanted to show off. God I love pencils! Why did I kind of forget how fabulous pencils are, all by themselves!?
This picture is A3, and I am planning to bring to the exhibition, though I'm not sure the general art people in my part of the country are into this kind of thing.
I've been hung up on twisted angels, right. Still am ^^ And I tried to incorporate it with visual kei, but I realized it's kind of hard, since I'm not much into the classic visual kei anymore. I was really happy with it anyway though.

Last post on the agenda today, and this is something you might actually be interested in :p
I finally got around to making a blog for Like Totally Teenage Lovers!
The plan was to make it in Comicpress, but the fact is that I'm an idiot when it comes to computers, and even following the tutorials I couldn't make it happen, so until I have the time to sit down and have friend teach me the knacks, it will be another blogspot blog:

Followers and comments are very much apreciated! Also, tell all your friends, ofcourse :p
I also changed the posting date to Tuesday, by the way. That's the same day that I update the original(Norwegian) comic, so it'll be a bit more routine...ish.

So! See ya! Got tons to do right now^o^/

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I know I don't post here so much anymore since I don't blog no more, but I think your drawings are awesome. not only really good but you have your own style as well which is distinctive, but it's not cliched. if that makes any sense :)
