Thursday 4 November 2010

a night filled with idols, at O-east

So far I havn't wasted any time I Japan. I went shopping in Chiba City the same day I arrived and yesterday I went to Tokyo with my kouhais (like... underclassmen?:P) Kristoffer and Karen.
Waiting for the train this dude suddenly sist down next to me and starts asking if I'm japanese, where I'm from, how long am I here for and could he possably get my e-mail XD I'd forgotten what it feels like to be nampaed (picked up). He was decent-looking though so I let him have the adress. Turns out he's 19 ^^; I havn't told him my age.

Anyway, going to Tokyo took longer than I remembered, and I'd kind of overdone it when I said I remembered the way to the venue, but we finally arrived at...

Shibuya O-east(it's kind of hard to tell from the picture).
Just missed our ticket numbers, so we ran inside, put awy our stuff and were concert ready just as the first band started.
They were called Born, and call me a granny but I'd never heard of them before. I do think I'll be hearing them again though, 'cause they were awsome!

I'm usually a real wuzz at japanese concerts. Somehow the miniature fangirls with their nazi system and strange manners vaporizes my courage. But Karen didn't care and she wanted to see Born up close, so she pushed past everyone, somehow that gave me a push to do the same, so we got really close and still had an awsome view, since mostly everyne are really short XD

The next band was one of the ones's I was there for, Megamasso.

Ofcourse they were brilliant. They really have a beautiful clean pop-sound and everyone is just damn talented. Even the stand-in drummer was really good^^

Born had had a few feed-back problems, but they were all gone by the time Megamasso came on.

They even played Lips! My favourite song by them (and one of Kristoffers least fevourite songs ever XD).

Next out was Zoro, who were kind of my main band of the main bands, the one I stated I was there for when we entered.

Of course, they just rocked... and raved at the same time, 'cause that's what they do.

They started out with their launch hit Kitsune, which really set the mood. I really shouldn't have worn so much clothes when I knew there would be so much dancing XD

Next out, Ayabie, which is a band I've liked for a long time, but never had a chance to see. I thought this might be my last chance, since their vocalist(and my favourite member), Aoi, is quitting the band. Turns out though he already had quit... the vocals were done by the newest member, guitarist Yumehito...

It was a bit dissappointing, but also kind of unique. Yumehito is not a very good singer, but he had all the vocalist-moves in. If I didn't know better, I'd think he'd been practicing his vocal debut for years in front of the mirror >__>

So Ayabie didn't really sound much like Ayabie, but the songs are still very good! And everybody looked so cute, I just have to mention that.

Next up was SuG. Not a band that I'm a huge fan of, their music doesn't at all live up to the enormous hype they've gotten from being on PSCompany and... basically having the cutest vocalist ever. But I knew their performance would be well worth watching.

I wasn't wrong.
First of all, I've never really noticed any of the other members of SuG because they're usually in visual kei, while vocalist Takeru with his 1000W smile is in flashy oshare, but the bass player really brings the hotness. Takeru, even though he might not be Pavarotti, is an amazing fashionisto and style icon. I've never seen so many original twists on oshare kei as with him. And they're all so energetic! I'm not sure how they manage to bounce that much for 30 minutes (though Tkaeru menitoned something about getting fired up from looking up under Zoro bassist Tatsuhis skirt... it really was shamefully short this evening XD). I think the best part was when Takeru lay down on the floor, banging it with his fists and feet like a little brat. That will always be SuG to me.

The main band of the event was Lolita23ku, a band that I used to be a big fan of, but I kind of gave up when they got a new vocalist (even though my favourite have always been the ugly-ass drummer, Ban). I havn't listened to them in a while, and we didn't actually have the time to stay and watch them.
We did see the first song though and I immediately thought about staying in Tokyo for the night. They're even more awsome now! It really hurt to have to leave, but I decided I couldn't stay there alone, and I didn't feel I could aske any of the others to stay out with me all night.
Next time though, for sure!

Oustide, as usual, was a crowd of "less famous" rockers, handing out flyers for their concerts. I saw a couple of guys that I'm "friends" with on Ameba, but I was too shy to talk to them. I looked like shit anyway. But a bit futher up I was handed a flyer for Danger Gang. I turned around and saw that it was Thera! I really hadn't recognized her until I saw the flyer, 'cause she was all casual and stuff XD
I gathered my guts and I'm so happy I talked to her. Got our picture taken too :D
I said I would try to go to their concert, unfortunately there's only one on the tour that I have a chance to see.
Also, after taking off I realized that Rei, the drummer, was standing on the other side of the road, and I felt kind of bad. I never recognize her, she's just so much more beautiful in real life than in pictures. Would have been awsome if she was in the picture too.
Here's my new friend, Karen too, with Thera.
Today I'm going out with a couple of girlfriends I havn't hung with in forever, Mina and Sayaka. Looking forward to it :D

1 comment:

  1. OMG how awesome that you're back in Japan! :D
    Hope you have a great time! it sounds like it already. ^^"
